Land Management

Integrate and streamline processes, from data entry to billing

Are your landmen stuck with complex spreadsheet tasks instead of doing their jobs in the field? Do your accountants waste time correcting errors due to inaccurate data entry? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you know the headache that routine petroleum and land accounting tasks can induce, which is made even worse if you don’t have land management software in place.

BTABS is landman software made by and specifically for land professionals. It provides unmatched accuracy, flexibility, and scalability that allow you to get fast ROI from your accounting software. Our system lets you quickly and easily track time and expenses so you can issue correct and timely invoices to customers.

Harness the power of the BTABS software for:

  • Data entry – eliminate redundant data entry tasks by having the expense and mileage information entered accurately by landmen
  • Data approval – management can easily approve and add details to invoices by accessing the software from wherever, whenever
  • Invoicing – eliminate human error and reduce the time required to create invoices by over 50%
  • Receiving – receipts can be automatically forwarded to a customer’s accounts payable department

Did you know that it’s possible to invoice multiple customers in just one mouse click?

That’s how fast the BTABS system is. Leave your email address below and we’ll let you test drive our software for free.

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